Adamstown Cricket Club - Child Safeguarding Statement

Adamstown Cricket Club (referred as ACC / the Club here onwards) is committed to safeguarding the children, by working under the guidance of Cricket Ireland and Cricket Leinster Safeguarding Policies. Our Staff, both Volunteers and employed, working with our young people, throughout the organisation, seek to create a safe environment for young people to grow, develop and enjoy.


1.  Name of service being provided:

To foster and promote participation in the sport of cricket within the community by providing facilities for playing cricket, and opportunities for recreation, coaching and competition.



2.  Nature of service and principles to safeguard children from harm:

Our club believes that the best interests of children and young people availing of our services are paramount. Our guiding principles are underpinned by Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport. Our guiding principles apply to all playing/non-playing members, volunteers and board members. All club members must sign up to and abide by these guiding principles and our child safeguarding procedures.



3.  Risk assessment

We have carried out an assessment of any potential risk for harm to a child while availing of our services. Below is a list of the areas of risk identified and the list of procedures for managing these risks.




Risk Level

Identified Risk

Procedure in Place to Manage Risk


E-Technology, Social Media, Photography, video, website


Policy not communicated properly

See detailed policy


Late collection of children


Children going home without permission, inadequate supervision

Two adults wait


Children in Open Competitions


Injury, risk not recognised; unknown people and environments at home and away games

Safety regulations implemented; U18s do not umpire adult games


Changing Rooms


Inadequate supervision, inappropriate behaviour

Supervision Policy


Physical contact


Harm by adult, other children

See detailed policy


Away games/ tours/ Transport


Inadequate supervision

See detailed policy


Disciplinary Procedures


Policy not known, not implemented

See detailed policy




Harm by adults, other children, risk not reported

Anti-bullying policy



4.  Procedures

Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, the Children First: National Guidance and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice. In addition to the procedures listed in our risk assessment, the following procedures support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our service:


Ø  Procedure for management of allegations of abuse.

Ø  Procedure for safe recruitment of workers and volunteers.

Ø  Procedures for provision of and access to child safeguarding training and information.

Ø  Procedure for reporting welfare concerns

Ø  Procedures for appointing a relevant person.

All procedures listed are contained in our Child Safeguarding Policy document and are attached below


5.  Implementation

We recognise that implementation is an ongoing process. Our club is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our services. This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed by 11th May 2024, or as soon as practicable after that has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.



Signed by (President/ Chairperson)

Ashok Cutinha




For queries, please contact:

Designated Liaison Person:

Ravinder Singh Oberoi



Club Children Officer:

Meena Baskarasubramanian


Procedures for management of allegations of abuse


If an allegation is made against a member or a volunteer, the club will ensure that everyone is dealt with in accordance with the club’s guiding principles and child safeguarding procedures, the rules of natural justice and relevant employment law. The club has a dual responsibility in respect of the young person and the member/volunteer. There are two separate procedures to be followed:

1. The reporting procedure to Tusla in respect of the young person and the alleged abuser

2. The internal procedure for dealing with the worker/volunteer.


The priority is to protect the young person while taking account of the member/ volunteer’s right in due process.

·         The same person will not have responsibility for making the report and dealing with disciplinary issues

·         The agreed reporting procedure will be followed by the DLP or the Deputy DLP

·         The Executive board must be alerted to the allegation by the DLP or Deputy DLP

·         Parents will be informed of any planned action unless there is a further risk to the young person


Personnel Procedures to be followed

·         The worker/volunteer is informed by the Chairperson of an allegation against him/her

·         The worker/volunteer is accorded the opportunity to respond

·         The worker/volunteer is asked to stand down while the matter is being investigated bearing in mind that protective measures do not presume guilt

·         The matter will be dealt with in accordance with the Club’s disciplinary procedures, if necessary

·         Appropriate levels of confidentiality will be maintained

Any reported abuse / misconduct by members or Volunteers against a child availing of our activities shall be dealt with by the Club Disciplinary Sub-Committee in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedures

Procedures for safe recruitment of workers and volunteers


All the recruitment and selection of workers / volunteers will be detailed and decided by the board of management of the club. The club aims to take all reasonable steps to ensure that any Staff and Volunteers working with children and who have substantial access to children on the grounds at the Club, are suitable and appropriately qualified.


The club will be dependent on volunteers for all functions to run the club and deliver all the activities such as trainings, games and all administration involved. Volunteers are typically either members or parent/family of the young members. These volunteers will be involved in coaching and managing children. Appropriate sub-committees will be running each of the function within the club and they will be monitored / guided by the board of the club. The club will make sure all such volunteers are Garda Vetted and will maintain a register of the vetting details including issue date and expiry date of the same.


Procedures for provision of and access to child safeguarding training and information


The child safeguarding training strategy will include the following procedures:


·         Induction training to introduce new volunteers / workers to the club’s guiding principles and child safeguarding procedures. This may take the form of the Basic Awareness Course or an in-house information session convened by the Children’s Officers

·         Coaches, Children’s Officers and Designated Liaison Person will attend courses appropriate to their roles

·         Refresher courses will be attended every three years

·         Dates and names of training programmes will be maintained

·         The names of the trainers and the relevant organisations will be maintained

·         A signed receipt will be obtained from each volunteer/ worker that they have received a copy of the club’s child safeguarding procedures. Digital signature/agreement will be obtained alternatively.


Procedure for reporting welfare concerns


Role and Responsibilities

The name and contact details of the Designated Liaison Person must be known to all workers and volunteers within the club as well as parents and children. The club will also appoint a Deputy Designated Liaison person.


Identifying reasonable grounds for concern

The Children’s First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children states that Tusla should always be informed when a person has reasonable grounds for concern that a child may have been, is being or is at risk of being abused or neglected.


Categories of abuse

Neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. (See Children’s First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children for definitions and indicators of abuse)


Responding to concerns

·         Regardless of how a concern comes to a worker / volunteer’s attention, it must be reported to the Designated Liaison Person

·         If reasonable grounds for concern exist, the DLP will make a report to the Tusla duty social worker

·         If the DLP decides not to make a report, the worker/volunteer is still entitled to make a report to Tusla

·         Recording: there is an obligation to record the details of the concern and the decisions and actions taken

·         If there is an immediate risk to the child, the Tusla duty worker is informed as a matter of urgency. If contact is not made with duty social worker, the Garda is informed

·         It is best practice to inform parents that a report is being made, but there are instances where this may not be advisable

·         Consult Tusla informally, if unsure about making a report

·         Complete the Child Protection and Welfare Report Form

·         If no report made, keep record of reasons for not making report


Procedures for appointing a relevant person


1.     The club will appoint one person as Designated Liaison Person. This person will liaise with statutory agencies responsible for child protection and welfare, and will be the resource person to any worker/ volunteer who has child protection concerns.

2.    The club will appoint a Deputy Designated Liaison Person in the event that the DLP is not available. Contact details for both officers will be displayed prominently on notice board and on website

3.    The DLP and Deputy DLP will undertake training appropriate to their roles

4.    The Designated Liaison Person will also be the relevant person. He/she will be the first point of contact in relation to the Child Safeguarding Statement