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Availability notification - what every player should do to be picked in a playing 11
17 Apr 2012
Dear All ACC members,
The league season is upon us and starting from this weekend, we are going to have constant flow of games every week.
To make sure you are picked in a playing 11, please use the availability option on our website, and enter your availability for a game/day. Keep this updated for the next one month at any point. (If your status changes you can go back and amend it). Full details including steps and what the captains do is in the document below.
Game Availability Notification Processv1.pdf
The captain will be using this information to select his team and will do so by the Monday of the game week. This timeline can only work if the players update their status before then.
Every effort is made so that the teams are competitive as well as every one gets a chance to play this year. So if you are a old timer, or if you have limited availability only I would still encourage you to go ahead and let your availability known through this system. We have a good mix of players in both the teams (I am playing in team2), so there is every bit of fun to be had, in every game and in the game we all love to play.
Best regards
Olag Sivanantham
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